An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

The main reason for the numbering system is to indicate the levels of the various units, i.e. Level One, Level Two and Level Three. To explain more fully by means of examples:

BN1000Y Entering the World of the New Testament
B indicates that the unit is in Field B.
N = New Testament.
The first figure ‘1’ indicates that it is a Level One unit.
The second, third and fourth figures are the proper numbers for the unit itself.
Y indicates that the unit is taught at YTU. [Other Colleges are indicated by different letters.]

CT2310Y Signs and Gifts of God: Sacraments of Life and Church
In Field C, and under the discipline of Systematic Theology (C+T = CT), this is a Level Two unit.

CH9010Y Reformation Histories and Theologies
In Field C, and under Church History (C+H=CH), this is a Postgraduate (level 9) unit.

DT2016Y/3016Y Action for a Fairer World
In Field D, and under the discipline of Moral Theology (D+T =DT), this unit can be taken at Level Two or Level Three.

Minimum Number: Where “(Min. No. 6)” accompanies a unit description this means that the unit will be offered if the minimum number of students is enrolled.


The University’s Academic Board has approved a major change to the points system used at the University of Divinity to denote the weighting of units in all University awards. This system will take effect on 1 January 2019. The new system means that for all units and awards:

• a full-time year of study will be 144 points
• a full-time semester (half-year) 72 points
• a standard postgraduate unit will be 24 points (1/6 of a full-time year)
• a standard undergraduate unit will be 18 points (1/8 of a full-time year)

Why change?
For twenty years, the University has operated the same points systems for undergraduate and postgraduate units. Standard undergraduate units have been valued at 15 points each, but a full-time year’s study requires 8 undergraduate units, or 120 points. Although standard postgraduate units have also been valued at 15 points each, a full-time year’s study has requires 6 undergraduate units, or 90 points. This has created confusion for some students, especially for students transferring into the University from other providers. The change aligns both the undergraduate and postgraduate systems into a single framework without changing the volume of study required for each. The conversion of units will be as follows:

• existing undergraduate points x 1.2 = new undergraduate points
• existing postgraduate points x 1.6 = new postgraduate points

This framework is designed to accommodate all existing unit values, both standard and non-standard, undergraduate and postgraduate. The smallest units accredited by the University are currently 1/18th of the full-time postgraduate load for a year, and 1/16th of the full-time undergraduate load for a year. The new system allows all current standard and non-standard units to be represented using a whole number, without use of decimal points.

How will this affect students?
Students will not experience any change in tuition fees, time commitment or assessment workload for units. Eligibility to graduate will not be affected as study requirements will remain identical. Academic transcripts (the formal record of study completed) will show the new points system for units completed after 1 January 2019, while continuing to show the old points system for units completed prior to 2019. The total points required for completion will be calculated by applying a multiplier to units completed prior to 2019.