An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Recent Publications of Faculty (2021)

Paul Beirne

“Tonghak/Ch’ŏndogyo.” In conjunction Carl F. Young. In Handbook of East Asian New Religious Movements, ed. Lukas Pokorny and Franz Brill Winter. Series: Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion, Vol. 16, 255-278. Leiden: Brill, 2018.

Gavin Brown

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Unpacking the History of the Australian Catholic Church. Mulgrave, Vic: Garratt Publishing, 2020.


Edmund Chia (Honorary Research Fellow, UD)

Journal Articles

“Theological Themes of Asian Christianity for the Immediate Future.” Voices: Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians 39/2 (Jul-Dec 2016): 179–182.

“World Christianity in Dialogue with World Religions.” Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology 1/1 (Jun 2017):125–131.

“Identity of Catholic Schools in Multi-religious Contexts.” Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology 3/1-2 (2019): 183–194.

“Theologies and Theologians of Religious Pluralism.” Asian Horizons: Dharmaram Journal of Theology 13/4 (Dec 2019): 655–669.

Book Chapters

“Interchurch Dialogue: Global Perspectives.” In World Christianity: Perspectives and Insights, edited by Jonathan Y. Tan and Ahn Q. Tran, 318–337. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2016.

“Asia’s Narrative Theology as People’s Theology.” In Learning from All the Faithful: A Contemporary Theology of the Sensus Fidei, edited by Brad Hinze and Peter Phan, 295–311. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2016.

“Response of the Asian Church to Nostra Aetate.” In Interfaith Dialogue: Global Perspectives, edited by Edmund Chia, 45–56. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

“Glimpses of Schillebeeckx in Asian Theological Hermeneutics.” In Grace, Governance and Globalization: Theology and Public Life, edited by Lieven Boeve, Stephan van Erp, and Martin Poulsom, 45–61. London, UK: Bloomsbury, 2017.

“Konzepte der Inkulturation in der Kirchengeschichte,” in Inkulturation: Theologie der Einen Welt, 12, edited by Klaus Krämer and Klaus Vellguth, 72–90. Freiburg, Germany: Verlag Herder GmbH, 2017.

“Contextualization, Ecumenism, and the Wider Ecumenism.” in Wrestling with God in Context: Revisiting the Theology and Social Vision of Shoki Coe, edited by M. P. Joseph, Po Ho Huang and Victor Hsu, 107–122. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2018.

“Religious Pluralism.” In T&T Clark Handbook of Edward Schillebeeckx, edited by Stephan van Erp and Daniel Minch, Jr., 424–435. London, UK: Bloomsbury, 2019.

“The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences and Buddhist-Christian Dialogue,” in Building a Culture of Compassion: Essays Celebrating 25 Years of the Vesakh Message to Buddhists, ed. Indunil J. K. Kankanamalage (Vatican City: Urbaniana University Press, 2020), 73–87.

“Vatican II and Other Religions,” in The Cambridge Companion to Vatican II, ed. Richard Gaillardetz (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2020), 303–317.

“History of Confucian-Christian relations.” In Confucianism and Christianity: Interreligious Dialogue on the Theology of Mission, edited by Edmund Kee-Fook Chia, 13–32. Abingdon, UK: Routledge Publications, 2021.

“Introduction.” In Confucianism and Christianity: Interreligious Dialogue on the Theology of Mission, edited by Edmund Kee-Fook Chia, 2–9. Abingdon, UK: Routledge Publications, 2021.

“Wawasan 2020 and Christianity in Religiously Plural Malaysia,” in From Malaysia to the Ends of the Earth: Southeast Asian and Diasporic Contributions to Biblical and Theological Studies, eds. Elaine Wei-Fun Goh et al (Claremont, CA: Claremont Press, 2021), 119–137.

“Edward Schillebeeckx,” in T&T Clark Companion to Theological Anthropology, eds. Mary Ann Hinsdale and Stephen Okey (London: Bloomsbury, 2021), 241–253.


(Editor) Interfaith Dialogue: Global Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xxxii–276.

World Christianity Encounters World Religions: A Summa on Interfaith Dialogue. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2018, xx–252.

Translation. Kekristenan Dunia Bertemu dengan Agama-agama Dunia. Flores, Indonesia: Ledalero Publisher, 2019.

(Editor) Confucianism and Christianity: Interreligious Dialogue on the Theology of Mission. Abingdon, UK: Routledge Publications, 2021, xii–209.

Asian Christianity and Theology: Inculturation, Integral Liberation and Interrreligious Dialogue (Abingdon, UK: Routledge Publications, 2021), xiv +244.

John N. Collins

Gateway to Renewal: Reclaiming ministries for women and men. Northcote: Morning Star, 2016.

“How to Read Diaconia in the Bible?” with A. Hentschel and E.Ryokas, Diaconia Christi (2017): 33-41; also German (22-31); Spanish (43-51)

“The Rhetorical Value of Διακον in Matthew 25:44” in B. J. Koet, E. Murphy, E. Ryokas, eds, Deacons and Diakonia in Early Christianity: The First Two Centuries, (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018): 31-43.

“Διακον and Deacons in Clement of Alexandria” in B. J. Koet, E. Murphy, E. Ryokas, eds, Deacons and Diakonia in Early Christianity: The First Two Centuries (Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018), 165-76.

“Diaconia” in Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, 2020 (online)


Mary L. Coloe

“The Cosmological Vision of John: The Evangelist as Observer and Interpreter.” In Creation Stories in Dialogue: The Bible, Science, and Folk Traditions, edited by R. Alan Culpepper and Jan G. van der Watt, 271-286. BIS 139; Leiden: Brill, 2016.

A Friendly Guide to the Birth of Jesus. Mulgrave: John Garratt Publishing, 2017.

“Presented in the Temple of God’s Glory.” In Nano Nagle and an Evolving Charism: A Guide for Educators, Leaders and Care Providers, edited by Bernadette Flanagan, Mary T. O’Brien and Anne M. O’Leary, 141-150. Dublin: Veritas, 2017.

“John 17:1-26: The Missionary Prayer of Jesus.” Australian Biblical Review 66 (2018): 1-15.

“Introduction to the Johannine Literature.” In The New Jerome Biblical Commentary, 2nd Rev.Ed.

edited by John J. Collins, Gina Hens Piazza, Barbara Reid and Donald Senior. Revised

Edition.  London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2020 (online).

John 1-10. Wisdom Commentary Series 44A. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2021. New

John 11-21 Wisdom Commentary Series 44B. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2021. New


Albano R. Da Costa

“Reimagining rituals as a pathway to reconnect our relationship.” Australian Journal of Mission Studies 14, no. 2 (December 2020): 52-55. Doi:

“Interculturality and Christian Mission: A Postcolonial Critique.” Diploma, SOAS, University of London, 2018.

“Lay Partnership in the Life and Mission of the Church in the Writings of Yves Congar.” L.Miss., Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, 2017.

Bruce Duncan  

“The economic credibility of Pope Francis: the Australian and Laudato Si.’ In Economic and Ecotheological Responses to Laudato Si, edited by John Capper. 55-74. Adelaide: ATF Press, 2016.

“Forming a Just Society.” In To know, worship and love: Catholic Ethical Thinking for Secondary Students. Chapter 8. 183-218. Melbourne: James Goold House, 2016.

“The Economics behind the Social Thought of Pope Francis.” Australasian Catholic Record 94, no. 2 (April 2017): 148-166.

“Reimagining Faith-based Leadership for the Greater Good.” In Well-being, Personal Wholeness and the Social Fabric, with Darren Cronshaw et al., edited by Doru Costache et al., 266-296. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2017.

“Fr Frank Lombard (1910-1967).” Cardijn Studies 1 (2017): 19-29.

“Pope Francis’s Moral Compass for Climate Change and Global Justice”, in J. Camilleri and D. Guess (eds.), Towards a Just and Ecologically Sustainable Peace: Navigating the Great Transition. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

‘Cardijn, the Lay Apostolate and the Social Mission of the Church: Cardijn Pope Francis and Synodality’, Cardijn Studies: On the Church in the World of Today, (Adelaide: ATF Theology, 2020).

‘The Amazon Synod: Putting Laudato Si’ into action’, Interface Journal of Theology, 6, 2 (Brompton, SA: ATF Press, 2020), 47-66.

Eleanor Flynn

“We Need to Learn from What we Have Learned!”: The Possible Impact of Covid-19 on the Education and Training of Chaplains.  with Heather Tan and Anne Vandenhoeck. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 2021, Vol. 75(1S) 37–40

“Essential Not Optional”: Spiritual Care in Australia during a Pandemic. With Cheryl Holmes, Heather Tan and Leila Karimi. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 2021, Vol. 75(1S) 41–45

Anne Gardner

“The Still Small Voice of Nature.” In The Nature of Things Rediscovering the Spiritual in God’s Creation, edited by G. Buxton and N. Habel, 58-69. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016.

“Interpreting the Writing on the Wall in Daniel 5.” In Bridging between Sister Religions. Studies of Jewish and Christian Scriptures Offered in Honor of John T. Townsend, edited by Isaac Kalimi, 42-65. Leiden: Brill, 2016.

“Violence and Destruction in Opposition to Judgement and Righteousness.” In Ecological Aspects of War, edited by A. Elvey and K. Dyer. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017.

“‘Democracy and War’ and ‘Thoughts on Armistice Day’ Illuminated.’ In Remembering Pioneer Australian Pacifist Charles Strong, edited by N.Habel, 21-32. Melbourne: Morning Star Publishing, 2018.

“Shedding Light on the Introduction to Daniel’s Vision in Chapter 7 (Dan 7:1b-2a).” In Studies in Biblical Philology and Lexicography. Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages 11, edited by D. King 101-118. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press (2019).

Daniel. Earth Bible Commentary. London: Bloomsbury (forthcoming).


Stefan Gigacz (Honorary Research Associate)

Deux théologiens de la JOC de Lille: Pierre Tiberghien et Palémon Glorieux (Two theologians of the Lille JOC: Pierre Tiberghien and Palemon Glorieux). La Revue du Nord No. 38 Hors Série Collection Histoire, 2020, pp. 95-110.(2019)

Congar and Cardijn at Vatican II. Interface Theology, 3(1), pp. 31-67 (2017).

Cardijn’s Trinomials: A Vision and Method of Lay Apostolate. Cardijn Studies, 1, pp. 47-68. (2017).

Obituary, François Houtart. Cardijn Studies, 1, pp. 97-104. (2017).

Race Mathews, Of labour and liberty, Distributism in Victoria, 1891 – 1966, Monash University Publishing, 2017/University of Notre Dame Press, 2018. Theological Studies, 2019, Vol. 80(2), pp. 479-480, PDF. (2019).

The Leaven in the Council: Joseph Cardijn and the Jocist Network at Vatican II. Melbourne, Australia – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: ACI Press (2020 Forthcoming).

The Leaven in the Council: Joseph Cardijn and the Jocist Network at Vatican II. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Cardijn Institute. ( (2021).
Two JOC Theologians from Lille: Pierre Tiberghien and Palémon Glorieux. Interface Theology, 5(1), pp. 53-72. (2019)
Book Review, Race Mathews, Of labour and liberty, Distributism in Victoria, 1891 – 1966, Monash University Publishing, 2017/University of Notre Dame Press, 2018. Theological Studies, 2019, Vol. 80(2), pp. 479-480. (2019).
Deux théologiens de la JOC de Lille: Pierre Tiberghien et Palémon Glorieux (Two theologians of the Lille JOC: Pierre Tiberghien and Palemon Glorieux). La Revue du Nord No. 38 Hors Série Collection Histoire, 2020, pp. 95-110 (2019).
Congar and Cardijn at Vatican II. Interface Theology, 3(1), pp. 31-67. (2017).
Cardijn’s Trinomials: A Vision and Method of Lay Apostolate. Cardijn Studies, 1, pp. 47-68. (2017).
Obituary, François Houtart. Cardijn Studies, 1, pp. 97-104. (2017).

Brian Gleeson

“The Mission of the Kingdom of God: Ultimate Source of Meaning, Value and Energy for Jesus.” The Australasian Catholic Record 93, no. 3 (2016): 326-339.

‘The Biblical Origins of the Eucharist.’ Australasian Catholic Record 98/3 (2021): 335-348.

Janina Hiebel

“Redaction, Rhetoric and a New Beginning in Ezekiel 1:1-3:15.” Australian Biblical Review 64 (2016): 14-24.

“Hope in Exile: In Conversation with Ezekiel.” Religions 10, no. 8 (2019): 476. Doi: 10.3390/rel10080476.

A Friendly Guide to Women in the Old Testament, Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2021.


John Hill

Constructing Exile: The Emergence of a Biblical Paradigm. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2020.


Rosemarie Joyce

“That Was Then, This Is Now: The Understanding and Practice of Authority and Obedience by a Selected Group of Women Religious in Australia.” The Australasian Catholic Record no. 3 (2017): 305-318.


Jacob Kavunkal

“Significance of Inter Religious Dialogue for Christian Community Today.” International Journal of Social Science Studies 4, no. 4 (April 2016): 11-17.

“The Ministry of Jesus in the Light of the Reformation and Vatican II.” Sedos Bulletin 49, no. 7 and 8 (July-August 2017): 11-20.

“The Reformation and the Laity’s Role in Church’s Mission Today.” Janadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies 21, no. 2 (July-December 2017): 69-88.

“The Asian Church and Family.” In Family: Living Life Together in the Church and in the World, edited by Klaus Kraemer and Klaus Vellguth. One World Theology, Vol. 10, 193-204. Quezon City: Claritian Publications, 2017.

“Mission and Evangelism in South and Central Asia.” In Edinburgh Companions to Global Christianity. Volume 3, 351-362. Christianity in South and Central Asia Series. Edited by Kenneth R. Ross & Todd M. Johnson, Edinburgy: Edinburgh University Press, 2019.

Extensio Dei-Mission as Divine Reaching Out. New Dehli, India: Om Pubilcations, 2020.

“An Alternate Reading of Genesis Chapter 3 and Mission Today,” Sedos Bulletin, March 2020,

The Discourse of “Prophetic Dialogue,” Verbum SVD, 61/4 (2020): 479-486.

“Reformation and Vatican II: Challenge of a Ministry-Centred Understanding of Jesus of Nazareth,” in Historical Jesus Conference Vol 2, (ed) Peter Bolt, (Sydney: Sydney College of Divinity, 2021): 421-441.

 “Fratelli Tutti, an Encyclical that Unfolds the Kingdom Prayer, the Our Father,” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, Vol 85/3, March 2021, 161-163.

Michael A. Kelly

“The Modern Catholic Homily.” Australasian Catholic Record 96, no 3 (July 2019): 322-332.

Grace, Peter, Catherine Jenkins, and Michael A. Kelly.“How is God calling us to be a Christ-centred Church that is missionary and evangelising?”


Terence Kennedy CSsR (Honorary Research Fellow, UD)

“Religion and the Moral Virtues in St. Thomas.” In Religione e religioni. Uno sguardo tomista. Proceedings of the XV Plenary Session PAST, 19-21 June 2015, Doctor Communis (2016): 1-2, 133-145.

“The Scandal of Mercy in St. Thomas Aquinas.” In Và e anche Tu Fà lo Stesso>> (Lc 19, 37).  Misericordia e vita morale, Lateran University Press-EDACALF, Roma 2017, 347-358.

“The Rise and Fall of Normative Ethics in Recent Catholic Moral Theology.”Iin Contemplating the Future of Moral Theology.  Essays in Honor of Brian V. Johnstone, C.Ss.R.,  edited by V. Tirimanna Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2017, 105-117.

“Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and Islam.” Specilegium Historicum C.Ss.R , LXVI (2018):1, 3-20.

“Sporchiamoci con il fango della strada.” (Cf. AL. 308) La divina pedagogia oltre gli schemi umani,” in Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2017-2018, Roma: Edacalf, 2018, 45-64.

“Preachers of Reality and Not of Words.”  “St. Alphonsus and the Sacred Scriptures” in The Cultural Reception of the Bible.  Explorations in Theology, Literature and the Arts, edited by Salvador Ryan and Liam M. Tracey. Dublin:  Four Courts Press, 2018, 102-110.of our Life” (Ps 90,10)

“The Academia Alfonsiana at Seventy: ‘The Span of Our Life’ (Ps 90: 10),”

70o o dell’Accademia Alfonsiana, Studia Moralia 57: 1 (2019): 51-66

John McDowell


Theology and the Globalized Present:  Feasting in the Presence of God (Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2019).

With Scott Kirkland, Eschatology:  Christian Hope, Guides to Theology (Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2018).

The Gospel According to Star Wars:  Faith, Hope and the Force, 2nd edn. (Louisville, Kentucky:  Westminster John Knox Press, 2017).

Identity Politics in George Lucas (Jefferson, NC:  McFarland Press, 2016).

Edited Books and Journal Special Collections

(co-ed.) T&T Handbook of Prayer, edited by John C. McDowell and Ashley Cocksworth (London, New Dehli, New York, Sydney:  Bloomsbury, 2021).

(ed.) ‘Hope in Dark Times’, Religions special issue (2019-20),

(ed.) ‘Engaging Karl Barth’, Journal Special Issue Colloquium 50.1 (2018).

(co-ed.) Kenotic Ecclesiology:  Select Writings of Donald M. MacKinnon, edited by John C. McDowell, Ashley Moyse, and Scott Kirkland (eds.) (Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2016).

(co-ed.) Correlating Sobernost:  Conversations Between Karl Barth and the Russian Orthodox Tradition, edited by John C. McDowell, Ashley Moyse, and Scott Kirkland (Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2016).

(co-ed.) New Dictionary of Theology:  Historical and Systematic, 2nd edn., edited by Martin Davie, Tim Grass, Stephen R. Holmes, John C. McDowell, and T.A. Noble (London and Downers Grove:  Inter-Varsity Press, 2016).

Book Chapters

‘T.F. Torrance on Prayer’, in T&T Handbook of Christian Prayer, edited by Ashley Cocksworth and John C. McDowell (London, New Dehli, New York, Sydney:  Bloomsbury, 2021), 487-507.

With Ashley Cocksworth, ‘Introduction’, in T&T Handbook of Christian Prayer, edited by Ashley Cocksworth and John C. McDowell (London, New Dehli, New York, Sydney:  Bloomsbury, 2021), 1-8.

‘Desire, the Scapegoated Other, and J.J. Abrams’ The Force Awakens’, in Ryan G. Duns and T. Derrick Witherington (eds.), René Girard, Theology, and Pop Culture (Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London:  Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2021), 27-42.

‘Donald MacKinnon’, in Stephen Burns, Brian Cones, and Jason Tengatenga (eds.), Twentieth Century Anglican Theologians:  From Evelyn Underhill to Esther Mombo (Hoboken and Chichester:  Wiley Blackwell, 2021), 73-81.

‘Colin Gunton and Modernities’, in Andrew Picard and Myk Habets (eds.), T&T Clark Handbook of Colin Gunton (London and New York:  Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2021), 169-186.

‘Mimetic Moral Formation in Friendship, and the Moral Learning of Violence by Civil War’s Peter Parker’, in Theology and Spider-Man, edited by George Tsakiridis (Rowman and Littlefield, 2021), 87-107.

‘T.F. Torrance on Revelation’, in Paul Molnar and Myk Habets (eds.), T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance (London and New York:  Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2020), 127-141.

‘Being and Becoming in Gratuity:  Barth After Maury’, in Simon Hattrell (ed.), Election, Barth, and the French Connection:  How Pierre Maury Gave a ‘Decisive Impetus’ to Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Election, 2nd edition (Eugene, Or.:  Pickwick, 2019), 235-256.

‘Script(ur)ing the Performance of Neighbourly Personhood:  Theology’s Transformative Reading with John Calvin’, in Myk Habets and Robert Grow (eds.), Evangelical Calvinism Volume 2:  Dogmatics and Devotion, Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene Oregon:  Pickwick, 2017), 375-395.

‘Donald MacKinnon and the Kenotic Word to Ecclesial Power’, in Donald MacKinnon, Kenotic Ecclesiology:  Select Writings of Donald M. MacKinnon, edited by John C. McDowell, Ashley Moyse, and Scott Kirkland (Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2016), 1-30.

‘The Gratuity of Being-in-Act From, In, Through and After the Word:  Reflections on Post-Maury Barth’, in Simon Hattrell (ed.), Election, Barth, and the French Connection:  How Pierre Maury Gave a ‘Decisive Impetus’ to Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Election (Eugene, Or.:  Pickwick, 2016), 155-173.

‘Changing the Myths We Live By:  The Pneumatic Work of Labour’, in Stuart C. Weir, The Good Work of Non-Christians, Empowerment, and the New Creation (Eugene, Or:  Pickwick, 2016), ix-xiii.

‘One Person, Many Persons:  Adding Up the Personality Disorder in CD §§8-9’, in Ashley Moyse, John C. McDowell and Scott Kirkland (eds.), Correlating Sobernost:  Conversations Between Karl Barth and the Russian Orthodox Tradition (Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2016), 135-162.

With Ashley Moyse and Scott Kirkland, ‘Introduction:  Barth and Sobernost’, in Ashley Moyse, John C. McDowell and Scott Kirkland (eds.), Correlating Sobernost:  Conversations Between Karl Barth and the Russian Orthodox Tradition (Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2016), xxiii-xl.

Journal Articles (Refereed)

‘Thoughtfulness and Hospitality:  On Refusing Antagonistic Politics at the End of History’, Religions 11.164 (2020),

‘Disney’s Reel Doubling of Violent Desire in J.J. Abrams’ Mimetic The Force Awakens’, Religions 10/11 (2019-20), 615,

‘On Not Violently Disposing of Life:  Brad Evans and Henry Giroux’s Disposable Futures’, Colloquium 51.1 (2019), 99-118.

‘En/Gendering Trouble with J.J. Abrams’ Rey in The Force Awakens:  Re-Subjecting the Subject to a Performative Subjectivity’, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 31.1 (2019), 16-30.

‘Eavesdropping from an (In)Formed Reference:  Christian “and” Secular Ethics in Barth?’, Colloquium 50.1 (2018), 59-81.

‘Spectres of Barth’, Colloquium 50.1 (2018), 1-14.

‘Political Imaginings to Cultivate Eco-Lively Reflections on Violence’, in Anne Elvey, Deborah Guess, and Keith Dyer (eds.), Ecological Aspects of War:  Religious and Theological Perspectives, Journal Special Issue, A Forum for Theology in the World 3.2 (2016), 29-45.

T&T Handbook of Prayer. Edited by John C. McDowell and Ashley Cocksworth. London, New Dehli, New York, Sydney:  Bloomsbury, 2021.

‘T.F. Torrance on Prayer’. In T&T Handbook of Prayer. Edited by Ashley Cocksworth and John C. McDowell. London, New Dehli, New York, Sydney:  Bloomsbury, 2021.

With Ashley Cocksworth, ‘Introduction’. In T&T Handbook of Prayer. Edited by Ashley Cocksworth and John C. McDowell. London, New Dehli, New York, Sydney:  Bloomsbury, 2021.

‘Mimetic Moral Formation in Friendship, and the Moral Learning of Violence by Civil War’s Peter Parker’. In Spider-Man and Theology. Edited by George Tsakiridis. Rowman and Littlefield, 2021.

Peter Malone


Heart of Life Spirituality Centre. A History. Heart of Life, Melbourne, 2017, 132.
Hearts Burning within Us, Scripture in the Parish, for small prayer groups & for private prayer, Coventry Press, Melbourne, 2018. 163.
Screen Priests, Depictions of Catholic Priests in Cinema, 1900-2018, ATF. Adelaide, 2019, xiii  701.

Compass Theology Review, A History, 50 Years of Doing Theology in Australia, ATF Press, Adelaide, 2020. Xiv  228.
Dear Movies, Coventry Press, Melbourne, 2020, 426.

Paul Stenhouse, A Distinctive and Distinguished Missionary of the Sacred Heart, (ed), Australian Scholarly Press, Melbourne, 2020. 209.

10 Minutes, Scriptural Reflections for Mind and Heart, Coventry Press, Melbourne, 2021. 71.


“Satan in Cinema”, The Bible in Motion, A Handbook of the Bible and its Reception in Film, Part 1, (ed Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch), De Gruter, 2016. 327-339.

‘”Who do you say I am?”: Responses to Cinema Sequences of the Woman Taken in Adultery’, The T & T Clark Handbook of Jesus and Film, Richard Walsh (ed), T & T Clark, 2021. 31-40.



Ennio Mantovani

“Who is Christ for Our World in Evolution? A Missiological Reflection”: Australian Journal of Mission Studies 9.1 (2015): 48-55.

“Born Bad? Culture Religion and Sin.” Australian Journal of Mission Studies 10.1 (2016): 26-31.

“My Journey of Faith in the New Paradigm of Evolution.” Verbum SVD 58, (2017):106-123.

“Mission: from Bringing to Discovering the Light. A Personal Journey.” Verbum SVD 58, (2017): 433-447.

Sixty Years of Priestly and Missionary Life. The History of a Journey.” Siegburg: Franz Schmitt Verlag, 2019.

Mirek Mejzner


Wędrówki ku sacrum. Ząbki: Apostolicum, 2017.

Articles and chapters in Edited Books in English, Italian and French

Vantaggio o perdita? Le facce della misericordia nel “De opere et eleemosynis” di Cipriano.” Gregorianum 98, 1 (2017): 51-60.

“Methodius: millenarist or anti-millenarist?” In Methodius of Olympus. State of the art and new perspectives, edited by K. Bracht. Textes und Untersuchungen. 63-84. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017.

“La difesa dell’identità del corpo risorto con quello terreno nel “De resurrectione” di Metodio di Olimpo.” Vox Patrum 67 (2017). Lublin: KUL (Catholic University of Lublin): 403-422.


Christopher J. Monaghan

“Why have we reduced the oral tradition to silence? The oral tradition’s role in the formation of the minor agreements.” Australian Biblical Review 65 (2017):1-16.

“The Synoptic Problem. Where to from here?” Pacifica 30, no. 1 (2017):72-81.

“Biblical Sources for Renewal.” The Furrow 70, no.4 (April 2019): 216-221

“Reflections on the Readings of Sundays and Feasts December 2019—February 2020.” Australasian Catholic Record, 96, no. 4 (2019): 473-491.

“Reflections on the Readings of Sundays and Feasts March–May 2020.” Australasian Catholic Record, 97, no. 1 (2020): 101-119.

“Reflections on the Readings of Sundays and Feasts June–August 2020.” Australasian Catholic Record, 97, 1 (2020):237-253.

“Reflections on the Readings of Sundays and Feasts September-November 2020.” Australasian Catholic Record, 97, no. 3 (2020): 363- 380.

See with the eyes of the heart.  Mulgrave: Garratt Publishing, 2019.

“Wrestling for a blessing – is there a place for touch in the Church today?” The Furrow, 71, no.1. (2020): 3-9.

 Cormac Nagle RIP MAY 2021

“The Freedom of the Children of God.” Australasian Catholic Record 93, no. 1 (2016): 15-30.

“Autonomy.” Health Matters 82 (Winter 2017): 38-39.

“A Reflection on Assisted Dying.” Health Matters 85 (Autumn 2018): 63.

“Church Tradition, Authority, and Pastoral Decisions.” The Canonist, 9 (2018:2): 220-228.

“Beauty as a Formative Principle of Moral Living.” The Australasian Catholic Record, 96 (2019:1): 56-65.

Lawrence Nemer RIP JUNE 2021

“Laudato si and its Missionary Challenges: a Personal Reflection.” Australian Journal of Mission Studies 10, no. 2 (December 2016): 68-70.

“Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Australian Journal of Mission Studies.” Australian Journal of Mission Studies 11, no. 1 (June 2017): 3-12.

Mark O’Brien

‘A Fruitful Encounter: Biblical Accounts of Creation Meet Modern Science,’ in Gesher 5/2 (2016), 63-66.

‘The Psalms,’ Liturgy News  49/3 (2019), 5-7.

Discerning the Dynamics of Jeremiah 1–25 (MT). Adelaide: ATF Press, 2017.

Discerning the Dynamics of Jeremiah 25–52 (MT). Adelaide: ATF Press, 2020.

O’Brien, Mark A. (2021, Forthcoming) Reflections on 2 Kings 8:1-6 and its Context in Light of Antony Campbell’s Theory of ‘The Reported Story’ Interface Theology 6/2. ISBN 978-1-925679-71-7

O’Brien, Mark A. (2020) God as Host and Guest in the Torah. Providing Role Models for Israel  Interface Theology 6 (1), pp. 1-15. ISBN  978-1-925679-71-7

Francis Otobo

“’Neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem’ (John 4:21): A Reflection on the Closure of Churches in the face of Covid-19,”, May 10, 2020.

“Luke’s Use of the Spirit to engage Gentile Christians,” ABR 69 (2021): 47-62.


Graeme Pender

“The Life and Contribution of Bishop Charles Henry Davis, OSB (1815-1854) to the Catholic Church in Australia.” Dr Theol., University of Divinity, Melbourne, 2017.

The life and contribution of Bishop Charles Henry Davis OSB (1815-1854) to the Catholic Church in Austtralia. Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society 39 (2018): 29-44

Bishop Charles Davis’ Musical Contribution to the Early Australian Catholic Church. Australasian Catholic Record 96 no. 1 (January 2019).

Early Catholic Education in Sydney: St Mary’s Seminary. Australasian Catholic Record 97 no. 2 (April, 2020):216-226.

Early Catholic Education in Sydney: Lyndhurst College. Australasian Catholic Record 97 no. 3 (July 2020): 350-362.


Carmel Posa

Review of “Your Hearts will Rejoice,” Easter Meditations from the Vita Christi by Ludolph of Saxony, translated by Milton T. Walsh. Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 88 (2016): 94-96.

A Not-So-Unexciting Life: Essays in Honour of Michael Casey ocso. Edited by Carmel Posa. Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian, 2017.

The Life of Jesus Christ: A Review, Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 93 (2020): 96-97.

No Longer Lost in Translation: Reviews, Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 92 (2019): 91-93.

Feasting Liturgically: The Triduum During COVID-19, 2020 (joint publication with Jill O’Brien sgs) Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review, 93 (2020): 54-65.

Standing before God in the Whirlwind, Reconciliation of Paradoxes and the Rule of Benedict Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review, 96 (2021): 29-43.

Benedict’s Rule: A Review, Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 96 (2021): 99-100.


John Prior

“‘SPOTLIGHT’: Membongkar Korupsi Sistemik dalam Institusi Gereja,” [Spotlight: Exposing systematic Corruption in the Institutional Church.] Jurnal Ledalero 15, no.1 (2016): 302-326.

“‘My hand over my mouth… I have nothing more to say’: Letting Allah Breakthrough our Dogmatic Certainties.” Vinayasādhana VII, no. 2 (2016): 32-45.

“Reformasi Pantekostal sebagai Peremajavn Kekristenan Paling Radikal sejak Pembaruan Yohanes Calvin.” [The Pentecostal Reformation as the most Radical Renewal of Christianity since that of John Calvin.] Jurnal Ledalero 15, no. 2 (2016): 343-366.

With William Chang. “Confucian Ren and Jesus’ Agape as a Basic Virtue toward a More Ecumenical World.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 51, no. 4 (2016): 552-566.

With Julian C. H. Lee and Thomas A. Reuter, eds. Trajectories: Excursions with the Anthropology of E. Douglas Lewis (Asian Thought and Culture). New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2016.

“Epilog.” In Post-Sekularisme, Toleransi dan Demokrasi, [Post-Secularism, Tolerance and Democracy], edited by Otto Gusti Madung, 166-180. Maumere: Penerbit Ledalero, 2017.

“Testimonio y presencia.” In Interculturalidad En La Vida Y En La Misión, edited by Lazar T. Stanislaus and Martin Ueffing, 515-534. Pamplona: Editorial verbo divino, 2017.

With Dr. Purnama Asep and Rasdiana Rovigis, eds. Bangkit dalam Harapan Baru: 24 Kisah Inspiratif oleh Penyintas HIV. [Rising Up in New Hope: 24 Inspirational Stories by People Living with HIV.]  Maumere: Penerbit Ledalero, 2017.

“Interkulteralität, Eine Würdigung des von der Föderation der Asiatichen Bichofskonferenzen in Gang gesetzten Prozesses.” In Inkulturation: Gottes Gegenwart in den Kulturen edited by Klau Krämer andKlaus Vellguth 322-333. Freiburg: Herder, 2017.

“Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World.” IACM Conference Synthesis. Pattaya, Thailand, 9-15 July 2017, Verbum SVD 58, 2/3 (2017):  321-328. (Sankt Augustin, Germany) Also published in, Missio Inter Gentes 3, no. 2 (2017): 51-59. (Tagaytay, Philippines)

986: The Year of Mounting Lucidity.” Verbum SVD 59/1-2 (2018): 11-24.

“Insights from Eco-Theology in Lazar.” In Missionary Discipleship in Global Contexts edited by Lazar T. Stanislaus and Martin Ueffing. Sankt Augustin: Steyler Missionswissenschaftliches Institut, 2018: 165-180.


Claire Renkin

“A Feast of Love: Visual images of Francis of Assisi and Mary Magdalen and Late Medieval Mendicant Devotion.” In Poverty and Devotion in Mendicant Cultures, edited by J. Mews, and Anna Welch, Chapter 6, 92-104. London: Routledge, 2016.


Robyn Reynolds

“‘Bound to be free: Vowed Religious Life.” The Furrow – a Journal for the Contemporary Church 68, no 5 (May 2017): 279-286.

“From Marginalization to Leadership: Re-shaping a Theology and Praxis of Mission.” Colloquim 49, no 2 (November 2017): 24-35.


Barry Rogers

“Meditation, Mindfulness and the Brain.” In A Reckless God? Currents and Challenges in the Christian Conversation with Science. Reservoir: Nexus Books/ ISCAST, 2018.


Anna Welch

Liturgy, Books and Franciscan Identities in Medieval Umbria. Leiden: Brill, 2016.

“Francis of Assisi, Sister Bird and Interpretations of the Founder in Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century Sources.” In Poverty and Devotion in Mendicant Cultures, edited by Constant J. Mews and Anna Welch, Chapter 5. London: Routledge, 2016.

Kathleen Williams

“Graced Friendship and Being Oneself: Releasing Excellence.” In Grace and Friendship. Theological Essays in Honor of Fred Lawrence, from his grateful students, edited by M. Shawn Copeland and Jeremy D. Wilkins, with a Foreword Tribute by Frederick E. Crowe, S.J. Milwaukee WI: Marquette University Press, 2016.

“God’s Image Revealed in Authentic Living: Mutual Enrichment through the Drama of Theological Education Across Cultures.” In Enfleshing Theology: Embodiment, Discipleship, and Politics in the Work of M. Shawn Copeland, 185-197. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018.