An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Spiritual Direction Practicum I

This unit can be undertaken as full time (DS8705Y) or part time (DS8715Y) and (DS8725Y)


The unit provides students with the opportunity to undertake spiritual direction under appropriate supervision and to reflect critically on that experience. Students are inducted into the processes and ministry of spiritual direction through focus on:

  • the nature and boundaries of the relationship of direction
  • confidentiality and appropriate consent
  • procedures for referral
  • the environment and protocols for spiritual direction
  • the nature and boundaries of the supervisory relationship
  • the different theories and praxis of spiritual direction and psychological counselling.

The unit includes individual and group supervision, individual and group evaluations, group interaction, and leadership of group prayer.


Enrolment in Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction at Heart of Life Centre


DS8701Y and DS8703Y

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this unit, it is expected that students will be able to:

  1. reflect critically on their relationship with another in spiritual direction
  2. articulate clearly the impact of accompaniment on human and spiritual development
  3. participate constructively in group supervision processes
  4. articulate the integration of their theoretical learning, their ministerial practice, and their personal development.


Ten critical reflections of at least 300 words each on issues of spiritual direction based on verbatim accounts of ministry, (50%); 1500 word case study (25%); 1500 word self-evaluation (at end of unit) (25%)


* = set texts recommended for purchase

* Barry William A., and William J. Connolly. The Practice of Spiritual Direction. New York: Seabury, 1982.

Buckley, Suzanna M., ed. Sacred is the Call. New York: Crossroads, 2005.

Bumpus Mary R., and Rebecca B. Langer. Supervision of Spiritual Directors. Harrisburg PA: Morehouse, 2005.

Conroy, Maureen. Looking into the Well: Supervision of Spiritual Directors. Chicago, IL: Loyola UP, 1995.

Coutinho, Paul. How Big is Your God?: The Freedom to Experience the Divine. Chicago, IL: Loyola Press, 2007.

Guenther, Margaret. Holy Listening: the Art of Spiritual Direction. Boston, MA: Cowley, 1992.

Hart, Thomas N. The Art of Christian Listening. New York: Paulist, 1980.

May, Gerald G. Care of Mind, Care of Spirit. San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1982.

———. Will and Spirit: A Contemplative Psychology.  San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1982.



Practicum Supervisors