Making sure what you submit is actually your own work
The online program Turnitin was introduced across the University in 2013. Primarily it is a tool to help both student and teacher be sure that what is in an essay is the student’s own work, and not copied from another source without referencing. It is thus both a teaching and learning tool and a tool for the detection of plagiarism. Students are required to submit their assignments through ARK, the university’s learning management system, which automatically submits your work through Turnitin. Each student is able to view an originality report upon submission showing those parts of their assignment taken from other sources. Where they see the need to acknowledge quotes or re-paraphrase, they have the opportunity to upload their assignment again up until the due date.
Full instructions concerning the lodgement of assignments via ARK & Turnitin are provided in the unit outline, the YTU website and through the YTU Office.
Academic Integrity – University of Divinity
Students are required to include a title page to their assignments with their details of their assignments. The student’s name should also be included in the header (top left). Submission online constitutes a declaration that the work is the student’s own work.
An essay must be your own work and largely written in your own words. Plagiarism comes from the Latin plagiarus/kidnapper. Plagiarism is considered serious academic misconduct. No part of the work may be copied in whole or part from another student’s work, or from any other source (e.g., published books, periodicals or internet) without due acknowledgement of the source.
A student who is found to have sought to gain an unfair advantage by submitting for assessment a piece of written work which either in whole or in part makes unacknowledged use of, or reference to, the work of others, including Internet sources
by taking into an examination room unauthorised material, or by copying the work of another candidate in an examination, shall be liable to:
- failure of the unit for which the written work or examination was undertaken, or
- the loss of all marks for the written work or examination, or
- suspension of candidature for the degree.