An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Master of Education and Theology MEdTheol (Regulation 39)

The Master of Education and Theology is a coursework Master’s degree offered by CTC and YTU in collaboration and Australian Lutheran College (ALC).

Entry Requirements:

  • an undergraduate degree;  and
  • a qualification recognised for teacher registration in Australia; and
  • two years of full-time teaching experience or part-time equivalent.


216 Credit points (nine units) with up to 108 points of Credit available

  • 24 point unit: DR9663Y /DM9663Y/ DE9663Y Leadership for Mission in a Catholic School;

or DE9016L Education and Theology in Dialogue (ALC)

  • 24 point unit: BS9662Y Interpreting Biblical Texts (or an alternative unit in Biblical Studies or Systematic Theology)
  • 48 points in any combination of the disciplines of Biblical Studies, Systematic Theology, Education or Religious Education
  • 24 point capstone unit integrating the disciplines of Education and Systematic Theology; 

or a minor thesis on a related theme

  • further Foundational, Elective, Praxis or Capstone units

A minimum of 96 points of Elective units must be included

Normal Duration:     1.5 – 4.5 years

Articulation:             If the Master of Education and Theology includes a Minor Thesis of 16,000 words graded to at least 75% and a 75% average across the coursework components of the degree, one can articulate to a Research Masters [MPhil, MTheol (Research)] or direct entry to a doctoral award [PhD].