An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.


University of Divinity Libraries

University of Divinity Combined Library Catalogue

St Paschal Library (Franciscan OFM)


This is the Library of the Franciscan Province of the Holy Spirit and is the main resource centre for Franciscan studies within Australia. Its comprehensive collection of Catholic theological material is also available to faculty and students from the University of Divinity. The collection of about 40,000 monographs and 150 journal titles is strong in patristic and medieval studies, ancient languages, contemporary theology and art history. In addition to the friars’ own library resources, St Paschal Library houses two additional collections: in 1988 the Missionaries of the Divine Word (SVD) placed their missiology collection (currently 3274 books) into St Paschal Library; and in 1995 the YTU library collection (currently 3578 books) was similarly integrated. Because one of the aims of these three organisations is the education of Catholic clergy and laity, this amalgamation of library resources enriches the collection for all users.

Telephone: (03) 9896 4450
Facsimile: (03) 9898 0181

St Paschal Library staff:

Librarian (Team Leader): Nick Gellatly, BLIM, AALIA
Acquisitions Librarian: Sai Gaytan, BLibSt, GradDipInfoMgt, AALIA
Library Assistant: Ben Ross

Worldcat Link

Style Guide – For Students
Lean Library – Access Full-Text Anytime, Anywhere

University of Divinity library Hub
Information can be found at

Patrick Murphy Memorial Library, Dorish Maru College(SVD)

Library strength:  Mission Studies.

The Dorish Maru College Library is managed by Siobhan Foster BA, BTheol, DipLib.  Siobhan can be contacted by email:   or Mobile:  0412 674 602.

Redemptorist Seminary Library and Social Justice Library (CSsR)


The Redemptorist Community Library  is based in the Formation House in Kew, Melbourne, and serves the community who live there. The community is made up of priests, academics, students, and the staff who support their mission.

The Library contains a huge variety of literature from text books to support the students’ study, to research material used by the academics.  It is a general theological library with particular strengths in  systematic theology, biblical studies, moral theology and ethics, and sociology of religion.  There is a large section on Redemptorist history and mission.

The library also includes a collection of poetry, novels and political biographies.

The library is not open to the public but books may be borrowed on interlibrary loan or by arrangement with the librarian.

Visit the Redemptorist Library website here.

The Redemptorist Library is managed by Sandra McDowell – 

For addresses and telephone numbers of the libraries, refer to YTU Member Colleges.