An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Taking enrolments now for Semester 1, 2023

Please take some time to read through the Handbook for 2023. Hardcopies are available from the Office and Library. 

For New students OR Students starting a NEW Course:
Please make an appointment via admin  to meet with Ross Fishburn either via Zoom or In Person. Phone: 9890 3771

Please find below links to our Semester 1 & 2  Timetables and Unit information.

2023 Timetable –  Undergraduate/Postgraduate

GCTRE – Graduate Certicate for Religious Education

MEdTheol – Master of Education and Theology (MEdTheol) 

List of all our 2023 Units 

For Continuing Students here are your options for enrolment:

Please complete the Re-enrolment form to add units to your course and email the form directly to Ross Fishburn the Dean:  

For students who have a question about their enrolment please email the Dean at .  The Dean is available for consultation via Zoom, Phone or In Person.

GCTRE Students
If you have any questions regarding GCTRE please contact Michael Kelly via .

GCTRE sponsored Students with MACS need to also supply a Mixed Payment Form.