An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Heart of Life Reflection EVENTS – Oct

Our reflection events cater to a variety of people and interests from all walks of life.  These are experiential and spiritual by nature, and invite you to join us. They are perfect for individual or group enrichment and dialogue.

Unless otherwise stated, these are day events held at Heart of Life’s Centre in Croydon, Victoria. 

Please book and pay at least one week in advance.

Belonging in Our Sexuality 
Saturday, 12 October 2024, 10 am – 3.30pm (in person)

Sexuality is one of the most sensitive and challenging issues and aspects of human life to talk about, let alone pray about. This reflection day will be a reminder, if not a journey of discovering, that sexuality is spirituality, and as Ronald Rolheiser omi describes, spirituality is the way that we channel our sexual energy in everyday life encounters and experience. Cost $60 (BYO Lunch). Register and pay here

Waiting at the Well (4 weeks)  
Thursday, commencing 17 October 2024, 1-3 pm (in person)

This in person series, starting on Thursday, 17 October between 1-3 pm, offers an opportunity for those waiting to have their thirst quenched at the Well of Life to explore the depths of wisdom in their own heart, to recognise wisdom in the encounter with another, and to dwell in the Heart of Contemplation. Cost $120. Register and pay here

Walking the Land in Spring  
Saturday, 19 October 2024, 10 am – 3 pm (in person)

This day involves a walk along the Williamstown beach foreshore, inviting you to contemplate the deep wisdom and spirit of this natural bayside environment. Engage in the stories and the creative edge of two adjoining ecosystems. Journaling and art material. Cost $60. BYO Lunch. Register and pay here