An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Philip Malone MSC, BA(AS), DipEd, BRSt, STL, MACE

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Philip Malone MSC has had a professional life working in the field of education and this, in two distinct phases, High School (teaching and administration) over eighteen years, followed by thirty five years in Adult education (again, teaching and administration).

As an MSC Priest he has worked in four of the five Colleges administered by the MSC Congregation in mainland Australia, teaching RE, Indonesian, Asian Social Studies, English and History. Professional qualifications for this are BA(AS) Arts/Asian Studies, DipEd and MACE. He held senior administrative roles in three of the four Colleges.

The involvement in adult education began after study in Rome at the Academia Alfonsiana, specialising in Moral Theology. Qualifications here are BRelStud (Seminary studies) and STL (with a thesis exploring Euthasasia and Moral Methodology). The primary focus here has been formation for ministry (ordained and lay) and the teaching of moral theology, liturgy, Church and Sacramental Theology with emphasis not simply on learning but on the integration of this in experience. This period of teaching has been supplemented by presenting a wide range of papers, leading seminars and similar educative opportunities with a variety of professional and non-professional groups.

Current memberships of professional Associations include The Catholic Moral Theology Association of Australia and New Zealand and the Australian Catholic Theological Association, and he has also been a member of a number of Medical Ethics Committees. Publications include articles in Compass and Encounter with chapter contributions to a number of books.

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