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An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Norman Young BA hons, BD hons, PhD, Lector Emeritus

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Norman Young is Professor Emeritus and Fellow of Queen’s College, University of Melbourne, and Fellow of the MCD University of Divinity. He was a Foundation Professor of the United Faculty of Theology and taught there until retirement in 1995. He has held Visiting Professorships at Drew University, Yale Divinity School, Princeton Theological Seminary and Duke Divinity School in the USA, and at Wesley College, Bristol and Wesley House, Cambridge in the UK.

His main fields of interest are biblical and contemporary theology, social ethics and ecumenical theology. At YTU he has taught courses entitled:

  • Spirit, Word and Church
  • Creation, God and New Creation
  • Christ: God for the world
  • A Faith to live by

Major publications are History and Existential Theology, and Creator, Creation and Faith, together with numerous Journal articles, the most recent being:

  • Word and Church in the New Testament
  • Problem, mystery and grace
  • Sacrament, sigh and unity — an Australian reflection
  • Wisdom and folly — preaching Christ crucified

Ordained by the Methodist Church, he is now a minister of the Uniting Church in Australia (formed from the Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational churches.) His wider ecumenical commitment is reflected in his having been a member of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches, and of the World Methodist/Roman Catholic International Commission (for 25 years.)

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