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Miroslaw Mejzner SAC, MTh, STL, ThD, dr hab

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Miroslaw Mejzner SAC is a systematic theologian in the fields of Patristic Theology, eschatology and religious tourism. He received his Doctoral degree of Theology and Patristic Science in 2007 and Habilitation in Patristic Theology from UKSW in 2017.

As a visiting lecturer at Yarra Theological Union, Miroslaw has taught Human Person: Community and World.

Miroslaw is a Pallotine priest and Rector and Dean of Studies at the Major Seminary of Pallotine Fathers in Oltarzew, Poland. He also lectures in Patrology and Religious Tourism in the Department of Patristic Theology at the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski UKSW in Warsaw and at the Seminary of Pallotine Fathers in Oltarzew and at the Istituto S. Vincenzo Pallotti in Rome.

Formerly, Editor of Miejsca Swiete (Sacred Sites), Miroslaw is Secretary of the patristic review e-Patrologos. He is also a council member of the International Association of Patristic Studies (I.A.P.S.). He belongs to the Patristic Section of the Scientific Council of Polish Bishops Assembly, and to Theologians together in Europe (ET).

Recent Publications


L’escatologia di Metodio di Olimpo. Roma, Ząbki: Apostolicum, 2011.

Wędrówki ku sacrum. Ząbki: Apostolicum, 2017.

Articles and chapters in Edited Books in English, Italian and French

“The Anthropological Foundations of the Concept of Resurrection according to Methodius of Olympus. Papers presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2011.” Studia Patristica Vol. LXV (2013). Leuven, Paris, Walpole, MA: Peeters: 185-196.

“La miséricorde et la justice de Dieu dans les premiers siècles de l’Eglise.” In La miséricorde divine dans les différentes religions: actes du XIVe Congrès de la miséricorde divine [Paris] 17-19 février 2012, edited by Z. Prusaczyk. 5-35. Ząbki: Apostolat de la miséricorde divin-Pères pallotins, 2013.

“Turista e/o pellegrino? Una questione di fede nel contesto dei viaggi odierni.” In God in Question. Religious language and secular languages, edited by Martin M. Lintner, foreword by Peter Hünermann. 225-234. Brixen: A. Weger, 2014.

“La figura di Cristo come una chiave di lettura dell’Epistola di Barnaba.” Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne 28 nr 4 (2015): 56-75.

“Vantaggio o perdita? Le facce della misericordia nel “De opere et eleemosynis” di Cipriano.” Gregorianum 98, 1 (2017): 51-60.

“Methodius: millenarist or anti-millenarist?” In Methodius of Olympus. State of the art and new perspectives, edited by K. Bracht. Textes und Untersuchungen. 63-84. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017.

“La difesa dell’identità del corpo risorto con quello terreno nel “De resurrectione” di Metodio di Olimpo.” Vox Patrum 67 (2017). Lublin: KUL (Catholic University of Lublin): 403-422.

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