Mary teaches in the field of New Testament studies, with a particular focus on the Gospel of John. She has been teaching at the Australian Catholic University, and has also taught at Boston College, the Jesuit School of Theology Berkeley, and at the Ecce Homo Biblical Institute Jerusalem.
She is a member of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas and other national and international biblical associations.
She was recently appointed by the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity to participate in a 5 year Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Disciples of Christ.
Publications: Go to Home Page
Doctoral Supervision.
- Rev. Dr. Martin Asiedu-Peprah (Completed 2001). Johannine Sabbath Conflicts As Juridical Controversy. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2001. (ACU)
- Rev. Dr. Sang-Kyu Park, “Spatial Eschatology: A Reading of the New Temple of God in the Fourth Gospel.” Completed 2011 (GTU Berkeley)
- Dr. Ruth Sheridan. (completed 2011). Retelling Scripture: The ‘Jews’ and the Scriptural Citations in John 1:19 – 12:15. Leiden: Brill, 2012. (ACU) Ruth’s Doctorate was awarded a Templeton Prize for Theological Promise.
Forthcoming Publications
Mary Coloe will have a two volume commentary on the Gospel of John published with Liturgical Press, due June and October 2021. Also, there will be a new edition of the Jerome Biblical Commentary and Mary was asked to write the introduction to the Johannine Literature. This is now published online, but expected in print form around October 2021.