An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Jacob Kavunkal S.V.D., M.A., L.Ph., L.Mis., D.Mis.

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Jacob Kavunkal, a member of the Society of the Divine Word, holds Licentiate and Doctorate in Missiology from the Gregorian University, Rome and has published extensively on missiological topics, like:Vatican II: A Gift and a Task, (Mumbai: St Pauls, 2006).

Jacob has been re-inducted into the YTU as a full-timer after twenty years of teaching at the Pontifical Athenaum, Pune. He has travelled widely and has taught at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Divine Word Theological Faculty, Philippines, and in Sri Lanka. His latest book is: Anthropophanay Mission as Making a New Humanity (Delhi: ISPCK, 2008). He has initiated a project to publish a one-volume Encyclopaedia of Christianity in India. He is also the founder of the Fellowship of Indian Missiologists.

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