An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Elio Capra SDB, BTheol (MCD), MTheol (Berkeley), MTheol (MCD), DTheol (MCD)

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Rev. Dr Elio Capra is a member of the Department of Systematic Theology and Department of Pastoral and General Studies at Catholic Theological College.  He lectures in Liturgy and Sacramental Theology.  He is a priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco (sdb).

Following undergraduate theological studies in the Melbourne College of Divinity, Elio Capra gained a Master of Theology at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California; a Master of Theology and a Doctorate of Theology from the Melbourne College of Divinity; a Diploma of Art Appreciation from the Sydney Art Institute in 2017.

He has taught units in sacramental theology at Australian Catholic University (ACU), as well as teaching accreditation courses for teachers at ACU.  He is constantly engaged as a resource person in liturgical and sacramental theology for Catholic Education Offices and dioceses around Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, Samoa and Solomon Islands. He has held the chair of the Australian Catechumenate Network (now CIAN) and the chair of the Melbourne RCIA Forum.

He has published Come and see: Resources for the Precatechumenate (2004), The Christian Initiation of the Young (2005),  Called Gifted Sent, The Sacrament of Christian Initiation and the Triduum (2010), Come and see: Revised Edition (2015), Walk with Me: A  Resource for the Christian Initiation of Secondary School Students (2016),  as well as articles on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in The Catechumenate (Chicago), and articles on the Eucharist and on the RCIA in The Summit (Melbourne).

His main academic interests are the Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults, and the relationship between Theology and Art. He has introduced a new unit at CTC: How to Teach Theology and Religious Education through Art.

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