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Carmel Posa SGS, BSc, BTh, Grad Dip Ed, MA (Monastic Studies) PhD

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Sister Carmel Posa is a member of the Good Samaritan Sisters. She completed her Bachelor of Theology from Flinders University in 1994 and then studied in the USA at St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, where she completed a Master of Arts in Theology in 1996 majoring in Monastic Studies. Carmel completed her doctoral studies through the Melbourne College of Divinity, which was at that time, an affiliate of Melbourne University. The title of her thesis was: “Neither more than a Christian nor more than a woman –Nec plusquam christianae appeteremus esse: The Theology and Spirituality of the Body in the writings of Heloise of the Paraclete.”

Carmel held the position of senior lecturer at Notre Dame University, Australia from 1999-2012 and was the Executive Director of the New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies, at New Norica, WA from 2012-2017. She joined the staff at Yarra Theology Union in 2018 and is teaching in the Department of Christian Thought and History. She also teaches units at St John’s School of Theology at Collegeville, Minnesota in the area of Monastic Studies.


Book Editor

A Not-so-Unexciting Life: Essays in Honor of Michael Casey ocso, Collegeville, MN: Cistercian Publications, 2017.

Book Chapters

“L’impegno di Eloisa con la Bibbia: un viaggio che continua.” In Donne e Bibbia nel Medioevo: Secoli XII-XV – Tra Ricezione e Interpretazione, edited by Kari Elizabeth Børresen e Adriana Valerio. 133-152. Trapani: Il Pozzo di Giacobbe, 2011. German: “Heloisas Engagement fur die Bibel: Ein Kontinuierlecker Prozess.” In Frauen und Bibel im Mittelalter: Rezeption und Interpretation, edited by Kari Elizabeth Børresen und Adriana Valerio. 151-168. Kohlammer: Stuttgart, 2013. English: “Heloise’s Engagement with the Bible: A Continuing Journey.” InThe Bible and Women: The High Middle Ages, edited by Kari Elisabeth Børresen and Adriana Valerio. 127-148. Atlanta: SBL, 2005.

“Desire: The Language of Love in the Feminine in the Letters of Heloise.” In Words of Love: Love of Words, edited by Albrecht Classen. 129-148. Arizona: ACMS, 2008.

Book Reviews

Your Hearts will Rejoice: Easter Meditations from the Vita Christi, by Ludolph of Saxony. Translated by Milton T. Walsh. Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 88 (2016): 94-96.

At Play in Creation: Merton’s Awakening to the Feminine Divine, by ChristopherPramuk. Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 87 (2015): 26.

Outreach and Renewal: A First-Millennium Legacy for the Third-Millennium Church, James McSherry: A Review, Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 83 (November 2012): 23-24.

“One Baptism: Ecumenical Dimensions of the Doctrine of Baptism” by Susan K. Wood, Review in, Pacifica 24, no. 3 (2011): 341-343.

Journal Articles

“The Name Sufficiently indicates the Scope: Good Samaritan Mission and the Benedictine Vows.” Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review (April 2014): 85-94.

“Mobile and Monastic: Stable yet Ministerial: A Reflection on Benedict’s Integrated Vision of Religious Life.” Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 82 (May 2012): 85-94.

“Problemata Heloissae: Heloise’s Zeal for the Scriptures.” Journal of Religious History 35 (September 2011): 337-351.

“Discretio: Heloise of the Paraclete’s embodied Reading of the Rule of Benedict.” American Benedictine Review 62, no. 2 (2011): 161-187.

“Divine Love in the Writings of Heloise of the Paraclete.” Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 73 (November 2008): 77-90.

“Specialiter: The Language of the Body and Bodies in the Letters of Heloise.” Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History 11, no. 1 (Summer 2005): 3-25.

“Desire: The Language of Love in the Feminine in the Letters of Heloise.” Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 69 (November 2005): 57-67.

“Mary and Zossima: Icons of Mutuality in the Spiritual Journey.” Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 57 (November 1999): 5-21.

“Keeping Vigil on the Edge: Three Models of Leadership in Monastic Women of the Middle Ages.” Tjurunga: An Australasian Benedictine Review 62 (May 2002).

“A Monastic Response.” New Norcia Studies (September 1999).


“Hildegard of Bingen: A Woman for Women and Men of our Times.” The Good Oil. November 2012.

“The Timelessness of Benedictine Spirituality.” The Good Oil. April 2012.

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