An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Donations are welcome – Theological Education

YTU is celebrating 50 Years of Theological Education.

YTU is an important centre for theological education and ministerial formation for the churches of Australia, Asia and Oceania.

It is governed by a number of Catholic Religious Orders. It is ecumenical in terms of faculty and in its offering to students drawn from the communities of religious orders but its largest constituency is the wider lay community.

If you would like to support the work and mission of YTU you might like to consider some form of financial support. 

Donations welcome:

Name of the Account:  Yarra Theological union

BSB: 013 225
Account number: 008699936
Please reference your name when donating or email with your details.

If posting a cheque, please send to:         
YTU Business Admin
PO BOX 79 Box Hill VIC 3128

Thank you for your generosity.