An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) (Regulation 28)

The Master of Philosophy is a research degree open to those who have completed the equivalent of at least four years of full- time tertiary study, including at least one year of study in divinity or its associated disciplines, at the University of Divinity or at a university or college recognised by the Academic Board.

Entry Requirements:
Completion of one of the following UD awards at the required standard, or an equivalent award in divinity or its associated disciplines at another higher education provider recognised by the Academic Board to an equivalent standard

a) Masters by coursework with a 75% average
b) A Graduate Diploma with a 75% average
c) A four-year undergraduate degree with Honours with a 75% average
These awards must include the completion of a research essay or thesis of at least 12,000 words graded at or above 75%. At the UD this will is now a 16,000 word Minor Thesis.

Structure: Major thesis of 40,000 words (additionally, participation in eight
hours of postgraduate seminars per year of candidacy)

Normal Duration: 1-1.5 years full-time, 3 years part-time (maximum 4 years)

Articulation: Doctor of Philosophy