An inclusive community of theological
education and formation.

An inclusive community of theological education and formation.

Doctor of Theology DTheol (Regulation 9)

The Doctorate in Theology requires the writing of a thesis that forms a distinct contribution to theological learning, shows evidence of original research, and the exercise of critical and analytical abilities.

Entry Requirements:   To be eligible for admission an applicant must satisfy the Research Committee that he or she has completed one of the following awards at the University of Divinity to the specified standard, or an equivalent award in divinity at another higher education provider recognised by the Academic Board to an equivalent standard:

Completion of one of the following awards from the University of Divinity

  • a four-year undergraduate degree with Honours with a 75% average
  • a Graduate Diploma with a 75% average
  • a Masters by coursework with a 75% average (Master of Divinity or a Master of Theology (Coursework)
  • Each with a 16,000 word research essay or minor thesis graded to at least 75%, and a 75% average across the coursework component of the degree
  • Masters by research with a 75% average, or where a mark is not available, examiners’ reports which indicate to the satisfaction of the Research Committee that the candidate is adequately prepared for doctoral research
  • completion of a research essay or thesis of at least 12,000 words  graded at or above 75%  if coming from another program of study.

Structure: Thesis of 100,000 words

Every candidate for this degree must participate in eight hours of postgraduate seminars per year of candidacy.

Normal Duration:  The standard full-time duration for the DTheol is 3 years. A full-time candidate must complete in 4 years. Standard part-time duration for the DTheol is 6 years. A part-time candidate must complete within 8 years.